We @ IMS Noida


About Us

IMS Noida, established in 1998, is a premier institute known for its academic excellence and value-based education. It caters to both fresh graduates seeking world-class education and also to those who are already employed and want to enhance their managerial skills. IMS also has collaborations with several Universities overseas and seeks to imbibe a global mindset in its students. There is also a strong focus on research and IMS encourages its faculty and students to undertake consultancy projects with corporate.


At IMS, we believe that teaching what happened in the past is not as critical as understanding the shape of things to come. And in this fast-changing world, the best way to control the future is to create it. With a radical, cutting-edge curriculum, infrastructure, teaching methodology, and industry interface, IMS is focused on creating students ready for whatever is next.

We are in Delhi NCR, where global businesses, professional and creative talent gravitate and where a multitude of cultures coexist. That’s reflected in our vibrant and diverse community of students and faculty. Here, academic excellence, opportunity, and connections combine dynamically to help you discover you’re potential and succeed in today’s global business scenario.

Why Choose us


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Our Mission


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Our Visions


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Our Mission

Vision Next

Skills, for instance has taken a back seat in Management education available in the nation. No amounts of theory will substitute skill tuning and training. Exactly what the Industry is looking for when they hire from campuses. But the reality is that they are finding it hard to find the right output from management institutes university

Through extensive research and industry interaction we have identified the hygiene as well as the High Impact (Next) skill sets for each area of specialization to proactively sense the business challenges and generate the quickest possible solutions. In this scenario flexibility and open-mindedness have become critical. The only way to be future-ready is to gain the ability to learn, unlearn and relearn quickly. The best way to control the future is to create it. With a radical, cutting-edge curriculum, infrastructure, teaching methodology and industry interface, IMS is focused on creating students ready for what is Next.

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